My name is Antonio Conceicao. I’m a stroke survivor, with a serious physical disability, including moderate spasticity.

However, I think this is a “fight” that we can go winning!

Monday, 1 August 2016

North-America: Advocates Join Forces to Fight Spasticity!

Last June in America a website was developed which is dedicated to providing information and resources to help raise awareness about spasticity. 
The National Stroke Association has brought together advocacy organizations in a Spasticity Alliance, the organisations involved include the Brain Injury Association of America, Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, United Cerebral Palsy and United Spinal Association.
The Spasticity Alliance web site aims to:
  • Provide a clearinghouse of best-of-class patient educational tools and resources
  • Act as the go-to source for spasticity-related conditions
  • Increase awareness of spasticity
  • Address the onset of spasticity and its symptoms
  • Offer management options which can include a combination of medications and therapies
  • Empower patients and caregivers to discuss their symptoms with their healthcare professionals
  • Build a strong alliance of patient advocacy organizations to create a united voice for spasticity messaging, tools and resources.
You can read all the news here, and visit to learn more!
The Infographic is very interesting, which you can find on their website ( here!

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